We’ve all read the popular bestseller that identifies the top traits of successful managers. I decided it was time to drill down and provide some insight into the most effective attributes of successful independent business owners. They’re a unique breed accustomed to working from a mobile office, solving customer service issues and managing a growing staff. What keeps them in the game? Here’s what I’ve observed:
Knowledge seekers
In our world, information is king! And with access to the internet, finding information is quick and easy. For those without access to the web, you’ll do it the old-fashioned way and simply ask questions. The successful business owners know that most people love to talk about what they know – you just need to ask the more questions.
Build Alliances:
Creating strong relationship with your suppliers and resource groups will always open doors to new opportunities. Seek out companies that are the cutting edge and are implementing innovation within their product groups. These alliances will afford you inside information and the ability to foresee industry changes FIRST, before your competition.
Problem solvers
Albert Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m smarter, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Persistence pays off. When most are giving up and going on to something else, the successful business owners relentlessly pursues the task at hand and does what it takes to get the job done.
Sense of timing
Sometimes by accident, good things happen to good people. For instance, when a business owner finds a niche market for a new product, he earns from it as long as he can.
Honest and direct approach
Massaging the facts does not get the job done; it simply misrepresents the situation. Those business owners who tell it straight will usually earn the respect of their customer. If you’re honest, at least you’ll sleep at night.
Satisfies customer demands
Knowing your customers personal needs is mandatory in order to sell them your products. Equally important, know what turns off customers, such as deceptive advertising.
Strategic planners
A basic plan gets us to and from our route each day. A comprehensive plan of attack ensures the growth and longevity of a business. Successful business owners focus on new products, educate themselves daily on what’s new, network within their region and stay visible in the industry.
Find time for play and downtime
Business owners know when to work hard, but they enjoy letting loose. They know when to let off steam and they enjoy life to the fullest. When successful business owners drop their fishing lines in the water, they’re thinking of their next big “catch” and how to reel it in.