Monday, April 18, 2011

Stack Magazine and Taco Bell

Obtain the Stack magazine, Winter 2011 from the supply table. Read and summarize (50 to 100 wds. ea.) the articles on the following pages: Pages 23, 36 to 39, 43, 56 to 57. Within your summaries please include the who, what, when, where and why questions – 20 points.

PS: Taco Bell is Hiring - go to -- enter store # 3927 for the Deerfield Mall

Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter Writing Campaign - "Save the Electives"

50 point activity:

Each student shall write a personal and PROFESSIONAL note. The note should inform the county official of what affect removing electives from the course selection will cause for you personally. Notes must be approved by your instructor before emailing them.

The note you write must be sent to each of the five below contacts separately - then print-out each email and give it to your instructor.

District 25
Ellyn Bogdanoff

District 87
Bill hager

District 91
George Moraitis

District 101
Matt Hudson

District 102
Eduardo Gonzalez